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(7:39 PM) ScapeBot:
(7:39 PM) ScapeBot has logged in!
(7:39 PM) ScapeBot: Online HS, Round 2
(7:39 PM) ScapeBot: arrow grut v. quozl
(7:39 PM) ScapeBot: This roll determines who wins the dice-off
(7:39 PM) ScapeBot: 1-10=arrow grut, 11-20=quozl
(7:39 PM) ScapeBot rolled 15 on the d20
(7:40 PM) ScapeBot: quozl
(7:40 PM) ScapeBot: arrow grut chooses who places first
(6:44 PM) quozl has logged in!
(6:56 PM) Arrow Grut G has logged in!
(6:56 PM) Arrow Grut G: Hello
(6:57 PM) Arrow Grut G has logged in!
(6:59 PM) Arrow Grut has logged in!
(7:17 PM) Arrow Grut: was hoping it would work thats strange
(7:17 PM) quozl: ok before we put OMs on, you'll need to roll for The Drop
(7:17 PM) Arrow Grut: yes
(7:18 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 19 on the d20
(7:18 PM) Arrow Grut: well
(7:18 PM) Arrow Grut: I will drop
(7:20 PM) quozl: ok
(7:20 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(7:21 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(7:21 PM)User quozl has set all Order Markers.
(7:21 PM)User quozl reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Kozuke
1 OM on Kozuke
1 OM on Nakitas
1 OM on Ninjas of NW

(7:21 PM) quozl rolled 6 for initiative
(7:21 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Drake
1 OM on Airborne
1 OM on Airborne
1 OM on Airbone

(7:21 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 19 for initiative
(7:21 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Airbone
(7:22 PM) Arrow Grut: down on ninja
(7:22 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:22 PM) quozl: wait
(7:22 PM) quozl: do you have 5 airborne?
(7:22 PM) Arrow Grut: oops
(7:23 PM) Arrow Grut: how do i have 5 airborne????
(7:23 PM) quozl: no idea
(7:23 PM) Arrow Grut: ok pick one
(7:23 PM) quozl: you can pick it, you just placed and moved
(7:23 PM) Arrow Grut: very strange. do you want me to reroll?
(7:23 PM) quozl: ok, now I'll roll for the ninja
(7:23 PM) quozl: no, 1 skull is good for me :)
(7:23 PM) Arrow Grut: ok sounds good
(7:24 PM) quozl rolled 11 on the d20
(7:24 PM) quozl rolled 3 shields with 3 total dice
(7:24 PM) Arrow Grut: down on tagawa
(7:24 PM) Arrow Grut: believe you get smoke
(7:24 PM) quozl rolled 2 on the d20
(7:25 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:25 PM) quozl rolled 0 shields with 5 total dice
(7:25 PM) quozl: ouch
(7:25 PM) Arrow Grut: down on nakita
(7:25 PM) quozl rolled 17 on the d20
(7:25 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:25 PM) quozl: smoke first
(7:25 PM) Arrow Grut: shouldntve rolled my bad
(7:25 PM) Arrow Grut: yes
(7:25 PM) Arrow Grut: i dont think i have vaild targets for the rest then
(7:26 PM) quozl: yep all good
(7:26 PM) quozl revealed OM 1 on Kozuke
(7:26 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(7:26 PM) The turn/action of quozl is done.
(7:26 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Airborne
(7:29 PM) Arrow Grut has logged in!
(7:29 PM) Arrow Grut: grenades with the front 2
(7:30 PM) quozl: it is all or nothing with grenades
(7:30 PM) Arrow Grut: yeah the back 2 wont attack
(7:30 PM) quozl: ok
(7:30 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(7:30 PM) quozl rolled 18 on the d20
(7:30 PM) quozl: smoke works
(7:30 PM) Arrow Grut: no smoke on specials
(7:30 PM) quozl: oh no it don't
(7:31 PM) quozl: yikes
(7:31 PM) quozl: sorry
(7:31 PM) Arrow Grut: all good
(7:31 PM) quozl rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(7:31 PM) quozl rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(7:31 PM) quozl rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(7:31 PM) quozl rolled 0 shields with 5 total dice
(7:31 PM) quozl rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(7:31 PM) quozl: ok
(7:32 PM) Arrow Grut: grenade there
(7:32 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(7:32 PM) quozl rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(7:32 PM) quozl rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(7:32 PM) quozl rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(7:33 PM) quozl: that really hurt
(7:33 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(7:33 PM) quozl revealed OM 2 on Nakitas
(7:33 PM) Arrow Grut: I got pretty lucky there. if the other pod would have been hit by 2 you would have been in better shape
(7:34 PM) quozl: shooting same level
(7:34 PM) quozl rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:34 PM) quozl: and shootig up
(7:34 PM) quozl rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:34 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(7:34 PM) The turn/action of quozl is done.
(7:34 PM) quozl: smh
(7:34 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Airborne
(7:35 PM) quozl: I should have taken the airborne
(7:36 PM) Arrow Grut: Attacking down
(7:36 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:36 PM) quozl rolled 17 on the d20
(7:37 PM) quozl: disappeared
(7:38 PM) Arrow Grut: attacking down
(7:38 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:38 PM) quozl rolled 2 on the d20
(7:38 PM) quozl rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(7:38 PM) Arrow Grut: attacking down
(7:38 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:38 PM) quozl rolled 11 on the d20
(7:38 PM) quozl rolled 3 shields with 3 total dice
(7:38 PM) quozl: woohoo!
(7:39 PM) Arrow Grut: well thats one piece that wont die lol
(7:39 PM) Arrow Grut: up to kozuke
(7:39 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:39 PM) Arrow Grut: oops
(7:39 PM) Arrow Grut: you get powder first
(7:39 PM) Arrow Grut: my bad
(7:39 PM) Arrow Grut: i will reroll after if you want me to
(7:39 PM) quozl rolled 4 on the d20
(7:39 PM) quozl: no need
(7:39 PM) Arrow Grut: i keep forgetting it happens first
(7:39 PM) quozl rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(7:40 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(7:40 PM) quozl: You'll put me out of my misery quicker :)
(7:40 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM X on Drake
(7:40 PM) quozl revealed OM 3 on Kozuke
(7:40 PM) The turn/action of quozl is done.
(7:40 PM) quozl revealed OM X on Ninjas of NW
(7:40 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(7:41 PM)User quozl has set all Order Markers.
(7:41 PM)User quozl reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Ninjas of NW
1 OM on Nakitas
1 OM on Ninjas of NW
1 OM on Ninjas of NW

(7:41 PM) quozl rolled 11 for initiative
(7:41 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Airborne
1 OM on Drake
1 OM on Airborne
1 OM on Airborne

(7:41 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 19 for initiative
(7:41 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Airborne
(7:42 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:42 PM) Arrow Grut: attacking down
(7:42 PM) quozl rolled 19 on the d20
(7:42 PM) Arrow Grut: attacking down
(7:43 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:43 PM) quozl rolled 6 on the d20
(7:43 PM) quozl rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(7:43 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 4 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:43 PM) quozl: Just realized I should have disappeared next to the Nakita
(7:43 PM) Arrow Grut: dangit
(7:43 PM) Arrow Grut: you get nakita first
(7:43 PM) quozl rolled 17 on the d20
(7:43 PM) Arrow Grut: nice
(7:43 PM) Arrow Grut: those are all my legal attacks
(7:44 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(7:44 PM) quozl revealed OM 1 on Ninjas of NW
(7:44 PM) quozl rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:44 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(7:44 PM) quozl: yay! I killed something!
(7:44 PM) The turn/action of quozl is done.
(7:45 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Airborne
(7:45 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:46 PM) quozl rolled 2 on the d20
(7:46 PM) quozl rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(7:46 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:46 PM) quozl rolled 19 on the d20
(7:46 PM) Arrow Grut: uh oh
(7:47 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:47 PM) quozl rolled 17 on the d20
(7:47 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(7:47 PM) quozl revealed OM 2 on Ninjas of NW
(7:48 PM) quozl rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:48 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(7:48 PM) quozl rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:48 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(7:48 PM) The turn/action of quozl is done.
(7:48 PM) Arrow Grut: u had 5 i believe
(7:48 PM) quozl: are you kidding me?
(7:48 PM) quozl: oh, am I higher?
(7:49 PM) quozl rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(7:49 PM) Arrow Grut: yeah
(7:49 PM) quozl revealed OM 3 on Ninjas of NW
(7:49 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Airborne
(7:49 PM) quozl: ignore that thing I just accidentally clicked
(7:49 PM) Arrow Grut: all good
(7:50 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:50 PM) quozl rolled 3 on the d20
(7:50 PM) quozl rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(7:50 PM) quozl rolled 11 on the d20
(7:50 PM) Arrow Grut: targetting
(7:50 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:50 PM) quozl rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(7:51 PM) Arrow Grut: attacking up
(7:51 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:51 PM) quozl rolled 4 on the d20
(7:51 PM) quozl rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(7:51 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(7:51 PM) quozl: Im alive!
(7:51 PM) quozl rolled 3 skulls with 5 total dice
(7:51 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(7:52 PM) The turn/action of quozl is done.
(7:52 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM X on Drake
(7:52 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(7:52 PM)User quozl has set all Order Markers.
(7:52 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Airborne
1 OM on Airborne
1 OM on Airborne
1 OM on Drake

(7:52 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 7 for initiative
(7:52 PM)User quozl reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Ninjas of NW
1 OM on Tagawa
1 OM on Tagawa
1 OM on Nakitas

(7:52 PM) quozl rolled 9 for initiative
(7:52 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Airborne
(7:52 PM) quozl: Dagmar ftw
(7:53 PM) Arrow Grut: welp
(7:53 PM) Arrow Grut: i dont think i can
(7:53 PM) Arrow Grut: that one is pretty high iir
(7:53 PM) Arrow Grut: c
(7:53 PM) quozl: yeah
(7:54 PM) Arrow Grut: targetting
(7:54 PM) quozl rolled 15 on the d20
(7:54 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(7:54 PM) quozl revealed OM 1 on Tagawa
(7:54 PM) The turn/action of quozl is done.
(7:55 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Airborne
(7:55 PM) quozl: Think its good
(7:56 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:56 PM) quozl rolled 11 on the d20
(7:56 PM) quozl rolled 3 shields with 3 total dice
(7:56 PM) quozl: Wow!
(7:56 PM) Arrow Grut: woah
(7:56 PM) quozl rolled 16 on the d20
(7:56 PM) Arrow Grut: holy
(7:56 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(7:57 PM) quozl revealed OM 2 on Ninjas of NW
(7:57 PM) quozl: Time for Kelda to die
(7:57 PM) quozl rolled 3 skulls with 5 total dice
(7:57 PM) Arrow Grut: NOO
(7:57 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(7:57 PM) The turn/action of quozl is done.
(7:57 PM) Arrow Grut: well thats the last time i use her in a tournament
(7:57 PM) quozl: and hiding
(7:57 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Airborne
(7:57 PM) Arrow Grut: yea youre good
(7:57 PM) Arrow Grut: i see what you mean ill have to move
(7:58 PM) Arrow Grut: los?
(7:58 PM) quozl rolled 11 on the d20
(7:58 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:59 PM) quozl rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(7:59 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:59 PM) quozl rolled 15 on the d20
(7:59 PM) Arrow Grut: oops you get smoke first
(7:59 PM) Arrow Grut: nice
(7:59 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:59 PM) quozl rolled 12 on the d20
(7:59 PM) Arrow Grut: dude
(7:59 PM) Arrow Grut: this is badass
(7:59 PM) quozl: I'll stay there
(7:59 PM) Arrow Grut: okay
(7:59 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(7:59 PM) quozl: My d20 is keeping me alive
(7:59 PM) quozl revealed OM 3 on Tagawa
(8:00 PM) Arrow Grut: youve hit a couple of 3/3 too
(8:00 PM) Arrow Grut: love the 20d powers tho
(8:00 PM) quozl: of course my OM placement still sucks
(8:00 PM) The turn/action of quozl is done.
(8:00 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(8:00 PM)User quozl has set all Order Markers.
(8:00 PM)User quozl reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Tagawa
1 OM on Tagawa
1 OM on Nakitas
1 OM on Ninjas of NW

(8:00 PM) quozl rolled 20 for initiative
(8:01 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Airborne
1 OM on Drake
1 OM on Airborne
1 OM on Airborne

(8:01 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 6 for initiative
(8:01 PM) Arrow Grut: !!!
(8:01 PM) Arrow Grut: nice
(8:01 PM) quozl: oh yeah!
(8:01 PM) quozl revealed OM 1 on Tagawa
(8:01 PM) Arrow Grut: if you win this game it will be the most earned win of all time
(8:01 PM) quozl rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(8:02 PM) The turn/action of quozl is done.
(8:02 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Airborne
(8:02 PM) Arrow Grut: not going to mov
(8:02 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:03 PM) quozl rolled 4 shields with 6 total dice
(8:03 PM) quozl: woot!
(8:03 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:03 PM) quozl rolled 13 on the d20
(8:03 PM) Arrow Grut: !!!
(8:03 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(8:03 PM) quozl: cant be adjacent
(8:03 PM) quozl revealed OM 2 on Ninjas of NW
(8:04 PM) quozl rolled 3 skulls with 5 total dice
(8:04 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(8:04 PM) The turn/action of quozl is done.
(8:04 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Airborne
(8:04 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:04 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:05 PM) quozl rolled 2 shields with 6 total dice
(8:05 PM) quozl: :(
(8:05 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(8:05 PM) quozl revealed OM 3 on Tagawa
(8:05 PM) The turn/action of quozl is done.
(8:05 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Airborne
(8:06 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:06 PM) quozl rolled 7 on the d20
(8:06 PM) quozl rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(8:06 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(8:06 PM)User quozl has set all Order Markers.
(8:07 PM) quozl: She's ready for revenge
(8:07 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(8:07 PM)User quozl reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Nakitas
1 OM on Nakitas
1 OM on Nakitas
1 OM on Nakitas

(8:07 PM) quozl rolled 10 for initiative
(8:07 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Drake
1 OM on Drake
1 OM on Airborne
1 OM on Drake

(8:07 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 6 for initiative
(8:07 PM) quozl revealed OM 1 on Nakitas
(8:07 PM) quozl rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:07 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 2 total dice
(8:07 PM) The turn/action of quozl is done.
(8:07 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Drake
(8:08 PM) quozl: My luck has run out
(8:08 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(8:08 PM) Arrow Grut:
(8:08 PM) quozl revealed OM 2 on Nakitas
(8:08 PM) quozl rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(8:08 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(8:09 PM) The turn/action of quozl is done.
(8:09 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Drake
(8:09 PM) Arrow Grut: engagement strike
(8:09 PM) quozl rolled 5 on the d20
(8:09 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 6 total dice
(8:09 PM) quozl rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(8:09 PM) quozl: Congrats!
(8:09 PM) Arrow Grut: You played well to stay in that
(8:09 PM) Arrow Grut: that was brutal
(8:10 PM) quozl: My lesson is to never pass on Airborne
(8:10 PM) quozl: Well played
(8:10 PM) Arrow Grut: you as well. a lot went my way, if i you had those kozuke turns the game wouldve been totally different
(8:10 PM) quozl: closer at least :)
(8:11 PM) quozl: but congrats again and I hope you get in the playoffs.
(8:11 PM) Arrow Grut: definitely
(8:11 PM) quozl: see ya leter!
(8:11 PM) Arrow Grut: thank you, good luck in your games!