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(10:32 PM) ScapeBot:
(10:32 PM) ScapeBot has logged in!
(10:32 PM) ScapeBot: Online HS, Round 3
(10:32 PM) ScapeBot: Game 23 Winner v. Game 24 Winner
(10:32 PM) ScapeBot: This roll determines who wins the dice-off
(10:32 PM) ScapeBot: 1-10=Game 23 Winner, 11-20=Game 24 Winner
(10:32 PM) ScapeBot rolled 13 on the d20
(10:32 PM) ScapeBot: Game 24 Winner
(10:32 PM) ScapeBot: Game 23 Winner chooses who places first
(11:59 PM) kevindola: nope
(11:59 PM) kevindola: H + D
User kevindola has left the chat session.
(8:39 PM) vegietarian18 has logged in!
(8:43 PM) vegietarian18 has logged in!
(8:59 PM) Sir Heroscape has logged in!
(8:59 PM) Sir Heroscape: wassup
(9:00 PM) vegietarian18: hello
(9:00 PM) Sir Heroscape: so you choose who places first I believe
(9:01 PM) vegietarian18: oh okay i will then
(9:01 PM) vegietarian18: do you want to use discord
(9:01 PM) Sir Heroscape: probably not this time...got kids running around
(9:01 PM) vegietarian18: okay
(9:02 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(9:03 PM) vegietarian18: done placing
(9:04 PM) xthorsavagex has logged in!
(9:04 PM) xthorsavagex has logged in!
(9:05 PM) xthorsavagex has logged in!
(9:05 PM) xthorsavagex has logged in!
(9:10 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:10 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(9:10 PM)User vegietarian18 has set all Order Markers.
(9:11 PM) vegietarian18: gl
(9:11 PM)User vegietarian18 reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Cathar
1 OM on Marutuk
1 OM on Marutuk
1 OM on Cathar

(9:11 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 1 for initiative
(9:11 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Greenies
1 OM on MWs
1 OM on MWs
1 OM on MWs

(9:11 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 19 for initiative
(9:11 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on MWs
(9:12 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:12 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 1 on Marutuk
(9:12 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(9:12 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on MWs
(9:15 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:15 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 2 on Cathar
(9:16 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(9:17 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on MWs
(9:19 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:20 PM) Sir Heroscape: on cathar?
(9:20 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 3 on Cathar
(9:21 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(9:23 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(9:23 PM)User vegietarian18 has set all Order Markers.
(9:23 PM)User vegietarian18 reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Marutuk
1 OM on Cathar
1 OM on Cathar
1 OM on Cathar

(9:23 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 6 for initiative
(9:23 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on MWs
1 OM on MWs
1 OM on MWs
1 OM on Greenies

(9:23 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 16 for initiative
(9:23 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 1 on Cathar
(9:23 PM) vegietarian18: oops
(9:23 PM) vegietarian18: read it wrong
(9:23 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on MWs
(9:23 PM) Sir Heroscape: haha
(9:24 PM) Sir Heroscape: jwell thanks
(9:25 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(9:25 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:25 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(9:25 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:26 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 2 on Cathar
(9:26 PM) Sir Heroscape: lol
(9:26 PM) Sir Heroscape: you gotta stop that
(9:26 PM) vegietarian18: messed this all up mb
(9:26 PM) vegietarian18: this is om1
(9:26 PM) Sir Heroscape: ;-p
(9:27 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:27 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:27 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:27 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:27 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(9:27 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(9:27 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on MWs
(9:28 PM) Sir Heroscape: LOS?
(9:28 PM) vegietarian18: tricky want to break out the old line
(9:29 PM) Sir Heroscape: maybe not?
(9:29 PM) vegietarian18: yeah idk
(9:29 PM) Sir Heroscape: as the defender I let you decide
(9:29 PM) vegietarian18: ok no
(9:29 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:29 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:30 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:30 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:30 PM) vegietarian18: om2 now
(9:31 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:31 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(9:31 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(9:31 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Greenies
(9:33 PM) Sir Heroscape: LOS?
(9:33 PM) vegietarian18: yeah he's tall
(9:33 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:34 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(9:36 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:36 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 3 on Cathar
(9:37 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(9:38 PM)User vegietarian18 has set all Order Markers.
(9:38 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(9:39 PM)User vegietarian18 reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Cathar
1 OM on Marutuk
1 OM on Marutuk
1 OM on Cathar

(9:39 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 7 for initiative
(9:39 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on MWs
1 OM on Greenies
1 OM on MWs
1 OM on Greenies

(9:39 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 9 for initiative
(9:39 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on MWs
(9:41 PM) vegietarian18: looks good
(9:41 PM) vegietarian18: well that guy's not on the base but i think it's fine
(9:41 PM) Sir Heroscape: I think that's good
(9:41 PM) Sir Heroscape: too
(9:42 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:42 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(9:42 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:42 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(9:42 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:42 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:42 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 1 on Marutuk
(9:42 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(9:43 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Greenies
(9:46 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:46 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 2 on Cathar
(9:47 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(9:48 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Greenies
(9:49 PM) Sir Heroscape: LOS?
(9:50 PM) vegietarian18: top but not bottom
(9:50 PM) vegietarian18: that's a giant tree
(9:50 PM) Sir Heroscape: mmk
(9:50 PM) OEAO has logged in!
(9:52 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:52 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 3 on Marutuk
(9:52 PM) vegietarian18: dismissive swipe
(9:53 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 13 on the d20
(9:53 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(9:54 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(9:55 PM)User vegietarian18 has set all Order Markers.
(9:55 PM)User vegietarian18 reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Cathar
1 OM on Marutuk
1 OM on Marutuk
1 OM on Marutuk

(9:55 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 for initiative
(9:55 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on MWs
1 OM on Greenies
1 OM on Greenies
1 OM on Greenies

(9:55 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 16 for initiative
(9:55 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Greenies
(9:57 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 4 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:57 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(9:58 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:58 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 1 on Marutuk
(9:58 PM) vegietarian18: dismissive swipe
(9:58 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 16 on the d20
(9:59 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(9:59 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Greenies
(10:01 PM) Sir Heroscape: yes.no?
(10:01 PM) Sir Heroscape: how tall is nilf anyway
(10:01 PM) vegietarian18: idk it's all about if nilf is taller than the tree
(10:01 PM) Sir Heroscape: he's 12
(10:01 PM) Sir Heroscape: lol what are the tree height on this map
(10:01 PM) Sir Heroscape: lol
(10:02 PM) vegietarian18: i don't know
(10:02 PM) vegietarian18: there's also just a second tree here too
(10:02 PM) Sir Heroscape: well this is tough
(10:02 PM) Sir Heroscape: I could check it real time
(10:02 PM) Sir Heroscape: I have trees
(10:03 PM) vegietarian18: not sure if nilfheim fits their either really
(10:03 PM) Sir Heroscape: well
(10:03 PM) OEAO: I don't think he fits there fwiw
(10:03 PM) Sir Heroscape: mmm
(10:03 PM) Sir Heroscape: that arm
(10:03 PM) OEAO: Not sure if I'm allowed to say anything
(10:03 PM) OEAO: Don't want to overstep my bounds as a spectator
(10:04 PM) Sir Heroscape: does he fit here?
(10:04 PM) OEAO: I'm 99% that's the only place he does on that 7
(10:04 PM) OEAO: This map sucks for him
(10:04 PM) vegietarian18: yeah he fits there i just built it
(10:04 PM) Sir Heroscape: mmk
(10:05 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah we may need a real time check once in a while
(10:05 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:05 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:05 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:05 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 4 shields with 4 total dice
(10:06 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:06 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:07 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:08 PM) vegietarian18: swipe
(10:08 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 2 on Marutuk
(10:08 PM) Sir Heroscape: thats too far
(10:08 PM) Sir Heroscape: sorry no
(10:08 PM) Sir Heroscape: miscounted
(10:09 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 12 on the d20
(10:09 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(10:09 PM) Sir Heroscape: geesh 3/3 on swip
(10:09 PM) vegietarian18: yeah
(10:09 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Greenies
(10:12 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:12 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:12 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(10:12 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:12 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(10:13 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:14 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:14 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:14 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 3 on Marutuk
(10:15 PM) vegietarian18: swipe
(10:15 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 16 on the d20
(10:15 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(10:15 PM) Sir Heroscape: 4/4
(10:15 PM) Sir Heroscape: geesh
(10:15 PM) vegietarian18: well he doesn't get to throw attack dice
(10:15 PM) vegietarian18: so he's trying his best
(10:15 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(10:16 PM)User vegietarian18 has set all Order Markers.
(10:16 PM)User vegietarian18 reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Marutuk
1 OM on Cathar
1 OM on Marutuk
1 OM on Cathar

(10:16 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 7 for initiative
(10:16 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Greenies
1 OM on Greenies
1 OM on Greenies
1 OM on MWs

(10:16 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 4 for initiative
(10:16 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 1 on Cathar
(10:17 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:17 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:17 PM) xthorsavagex has logged in!
(10:17 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:17 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:17 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(10:17 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Greenies
(10:18 PM) xthorsavagex has logged in!
(10:19 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:19 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:20 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:20 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:20 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(10:22 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:22 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 2 on Marutuk
(10:24 PM) vegietarian18: swipe
(10:24 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 20 on the d20
(10:24 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(10:24 PM) Sir Heroscape: wow
(10:24 PM) vegietarian18: tearing it up
(10:24 PM) Sir Heroscape: absurd
(10:24 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Greenies
(10:27 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:27 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 0 shields with 5 total dice
(10:28 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:28 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(10:28 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:28 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 3 on Marutuk
(10:30 PM) vegietarian18: dismiss
(10:30 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 6 on the d20
(10:30 PM) Sir Heroscape: 1 disengage
(10:30 PM) vegietarian18: oh yeah 1 LEA
(10:30 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(10:30 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(10:30 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Greenies
(10:32 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:32 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:32 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:32 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:32 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:32 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:34 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(10:34 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 3 shields with 5 total dice
(10:34 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:34 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 3 shields with 5 total dice
(10:34 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:34 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(10:34 PM)User vegietarian18 has set all Order Markers.
(10:35 PM)User vegietarian18 reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Cathar
1 OM on Marutuk
1 OM on Marutuk
1 OM on Marutuk

(10:35 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 19 for initiative
(10:35 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on MWs
1 OM on Greenies
1 OM on Greenies
1 OM on Greenies

(10:35 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 7 for initiative
(10:35 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 1 on Marutuk
(10:35 PM) Sir Heroscape: shiz
(10:35 PM) Sir Heroscape: with Dagmar
(10:35 PM) Sir Heroscape: to clear the air...I'm saying he cant get same level
(10:35 PM) vegietarian18: correct i agree
(10:36 PM) Sir Heroscape: 3 LEA
(10:36 PM) vegietarian18: im going to put him here
(10:36 PM) vegietarian18: if you agree with that
(10:36 PM) vegietarian18: wait though
(10:36 PM) vegietarian18: since i'll swipe first
(10:37 PM) vegietarian18: swipe
(10:37 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 16 on the d20
(10:37 PM) Sir Heroscape: -.-
(10:37 PM) Sir Heroscape: if you win it's because of the swipes going 100%
(10:37 PM) vegietarian18: so just 2 LEAS
(10:37 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(10:37 PM) vegietarian18: i'm only 6/7 it's just 83%
(10:37 PM) Sir Heroscape: oh that's right
(10:37 PM) Sir Heroscape: you did miss 1
(10:37 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 6 skulls with 8 total dice
(10:38 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 shields with 5 total dice
(10:38 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(10:38 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Greenies
(10:38 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 5 skulls with 7 total dice
(10:38 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(10:39 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:39 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:39 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:39 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:39 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:39 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(10:39 PM) Sir Heroscape: 0.o
(10:39 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(10:39 PM) Sir Heroscape: whoa!!
(10:39 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(10:39 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:39 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 2 on Marutuk
(10:39 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(10:39 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Greenies
(10:41 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:41 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 0 shields with 5 total dice
(10:42 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:42 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 3 on Marutuk
(10:42 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(10:42 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Greenies
(10:42 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:42 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:43 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:43 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(10:43 PM)User vegietarian18 has set all Order Markers.
(10:43 PM)User vegietarian18 reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Cathar
1 OM on Cathar
1 OM on Cathar
1 OM on Cathar

(10:43 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 11 for initiative
(10:43 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Raelin
1 OM on Greenies
1 OM on Greenies
1 OM on Greenies

(10:43 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 for initiative
(10:43 PM) vegietarian18: well got it again
(10:43 PM) vegietarian18: lol
(10:43 PM) Sir Heroscape: lol wow
(10:43 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 1 on Cathar
(10:44 PM) Sir Heroscape: i don't think I've ever lost initiative with Dagmar 2X in a row
(10:44 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(10:44 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Raelin
(10:44 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:44 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 2 on Cathar
(10:45 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:45 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(10:45 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:45 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 7 total dice
(10:45 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(10:46 PM) Sir Heroscape: well things just got interesting
(10:46 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Greenies
(10:47 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:47 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:47 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:47 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:47 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:47 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:48 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:48 PM) vegietarian18 revealed OM 3 on Cathar
(10:49 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:49 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:49 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(10:49 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(10:49 PM) The turn/action of vegietarian18 is done.
(10:49 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Greenies
(10:50 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:50 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:50 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:50 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:50 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:50 PM) Sir Heroscape: nope
(10:50 PM) vegietarian18 rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(10:51 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:51 PM) vegietarian18: good game
(10:51 PM) Sir Heroscape: mmk
(10:51 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah
(10:51 PM) Sir Heroscape: greak game
(10:51 PM) Sir Heroscape: man!
(10:51 PM) Sir Heroscape: you had me SOO scared
(10:51 PM) vegietarian18: you played against marutuk very well. def would have rather had heracles
(10:51 PM) Sir Heroscape: I was so so scared lol it took all i had to plan around her
(10:51 PM) Sir Heroscape: AND cathar
(10:52 PM) Sir Heroscape: trying to guess your turns was nuts
(10:52 PM) Sir Heroscape: early on that is
(10:52 PM) vegietarian18: yeah i was trying to be tricky. probably should have had a bit more on cathar
(10:52 PM) Sir Heroscape: before you went in all on her
(10:52 PM) vegietarian18: cathar did a bit poorly i think, couldn't block the icy shards
(10:52 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah, I was getting them pretty good
(10:52 PM) Sir Heroscape: it was nice to pick off a couple here and there
(10:52 PM) Sir Heroscape: whittling them down throughout the game
(10:53 PM) xthorsavagex: Question about mara her long stirdes still takes disengagement
(10:53 PM) Sir Heroscape: correct
(10:53 PM) vegietarian18: yeah. i think you played it really well i was impressed. tough matchup to win
(10:54 PM) vegietarian18: good luck in the next round
(10:54 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah, thanks! this matchup I think definitely had your favor
(10:54 PM) Sir Heroscape: especially with that darn Kelda lol
(10:54 PM) Sir Heroscape: glad it was only 2 wounds you healed
(10:54 PM) vegietarian18: well i was worried about nilfheim getting it which was why i burnt. maybe should have held it a little longer since she did take a lot of damage
(10:55 PM) vegietarian18: anyways great game
(10:55 PM) vegietarian18: cya
User vegietarian18 has left the chat session.
(10:55 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah you too
(10:55 PM) Sir Heroscape: phew...
(10:55 PM) Sir Heroscape: peanut gallery?
(10:55 PM) xthorsavagex: tough matchup
(10:55 PM) Sir Heroscape: anyone watch that whole thing?
(10:56 PM) xthorsavagex: exciting to watch
(10:56 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah, too bad Bigga wasn't here to record it
(10:57 PM) xthorsavagex: itd be a good one for that
(10:57 PM) xthorsavagex: whats the call on peanuts during game
(10:58 PM) Sir Heroscape: ?huh?
(10:59 PM) xthorsavagex: like if we have a question or like oeao said i dont think nilf can fit
(10:59 PM) xthorsavagex:
(10:59 PM) xthorsavagex: is that allowed
(10:59 PM) Sir Heroscape: mmm, yeah I think so
(10:59 PM) Sir Heroscape: it was helpful
(10:59 PM) Sir Heroscape: though generally not encouraged
(11:00 PM) Sir Heroscape: it's more when something is pretty obvious
(11:00 PM) Sir Heroscape: like an illegal move
(11:00 PM) Sir Heroscape: or in that case illegal placement
(11:00 PM) xthorsavagex: got ya
(11:00 PM) Sir Heroscape: Nilf is actually really hard to fit, so it makes sense he'd be paying attentino to that more
(11:00 PM) Sir Heroscape: same with Marutuk...she's really clunky
(11:00 PM) xthorsavagex: i played this map too it was hard
(11:01 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah...lots of LOS blockers
(11:01 PM) Sir Heroscape: fast road
(11:01 PM) Sir Heroscape: makes it tough...but there are subtle pockets you can hole yourslef off
(11:01 PM) Sir Heroscape: which I was able to do just well enough this game
(11:02 PM) xthorsavagex: yeah and chocks
(11:02 PM) xthorsavagex: theyre tricky
(11:02 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah, anyway...thanks for watching...hope it was entertaiing
(11:03 PM) xthorsavagex: definayely
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