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(9:53 PM) ScapeBot:
(9:53 PM) ScapeBot has logged in!
(9:53 PM) ScapeBot: Online HS, Round 1
(9:53 PM) ScapeBot: mtl1998 v. xthorsavagex
(9:53 PM) ScapeBot: This roll determines who wins the dice-off
(9:53 PM) ScapeBot: 1-10=mtl1998, 11-20=xthorsavagex
(9:53 PM) ScapeBot rolled 10 on the d20
(9:53 PM) ScapeBot: mtl1998
(9:53 PM) ScapeBot: xthorsavagex chooses who places first
(5:36 PM) XThorsavageX has logged in!
(7:40 PM) mtl1998 has logged in!
(7:42 PM) mtl1998 has logged in!
(7:42 PM) mtl1998 has logged in!
User mtl1998 has left the chat session.
(7:43 PM) mtl1998 has logged in!
User mtl1998 has left the chat session.
(7:45 PM) mtl1998 has logged in!
(7:45 PM) mtl1998: hello!
(7:46 PM) XThorsavageX has logged in!
(7:46 PM) XThorsavageX: yoooo
(7:46 PM) mtl1998: i was having trouble gettign my google account to log in, but everything is working now :)
(7:48 PM) XThorsavageX: SOUND GOOD
(7:48 PM) XThorsavageX: ILL TAKE RIGHT SIDE
(7:48 PM) XThorsavageX: LEFT SIDE
(7:48 PM) XThorsavageX: IS FINE
(7:49 PM) mtl1998: you pick who places first, so if want a specific side, you place first
(7:51 PM) XThorsavageX: JUST START PLACING
(7:55 PM) XThorsavageX: IS THAT ISKRA???
(7:55 PM) mtl1998: yeah, thats her
(7:56 PM) mtl1998: those shadow spaces on the middle of the map should be level 1, btw. they have a black 2 that's difficult to see, but superfrog said in the thread all shadow spaces are level 1.
(7:56 PM) mtl1998: not sure if you saw that or not
(7:56 PM) XThorsavageX: IS THAT NICK?
(7:57 PM) mtl1998: yep!
(8:00 PM) mtl1998: are you done placing?
(8:02 PM) XThorsavageX: oh i did know about the sides thing
(8:03 PM) XThorsavageX: never played one of these
(8:03 PM) XThorsavageX: if i have the option ill take the left..
(8:03 PM) mtl1998: yeah, you can take left. you chooses who places first
(8:06 PM) XThorsavageX: done
(8:07 PM) XThorsavageX: what maade you wanna play my team
(8:07 PM) mtl1998: done
(8:07 PM) mtl1998: playing spiders is fun
(8:07 PM) mtl1998: i like sujoah and quahon a lot
(8:08 PM) XThorsavageX: you ready
(8:08 PM) mtl1998: yeah, i'm all set
(8:09 PM) mtl1998: good luck!
(8:09 PM) XThorsavageX: you too
(8:09 PM)User mtl1998 has set all Order Markers.
(8:09 PM)User mtl1998 has set all Order Markers.
(8:09 PM) mtl1998: have you played online much?
(8:09 PM)User XThorsavageX has set all Order Markers.
(8:10 PM)User mtl1998 reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders

(8:10 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 for initiative
(8:10 PM)User XThorsavageX has set all Order Markers.
(8:10 PM)User XThorsavageX reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on DeathREavers
1 OM on Cyprien
1 OM on iskra
1 OM on DeathREavers

(8:10 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 7 for initiative
(8:10 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 1 on DeathREavers
(8:10 PM) mtl1998: rolling 1 for init is a great start lol
(8:10 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(8:10 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 1 on Spiders
(8:11 PM) XThorsavageX: lol i think youll be aight
(8:11 PM) heroscaper2010 has logged in!
(8:12 PM) heroscaper2010: Just got in. Any mods?
(8:12 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(8:12 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 2 on DeathREavers
(8:12 PM) mtl1998: mods?
(8:12 PM) heroscaper2010: to the armies?
(8:12 PM) mtl1998: oh yeah. i'm sitting realin, isamu, and 2 spiders
(8:13 PM) mtl1998: how did this rat get there?
(8:14 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(8:14 PM) mtl1998: that rat couldn't have gotten there
(8:14 PM) mtl1998: right? it would've had to stop on the glyph
(8:15 PM) XThorsavageX: howw
(8:15 PM) XThorsavageX: is this one fine
(8:15 PM) mtl1998: yeah. the one next to quahon is what i'm talking about
(8:15 PM) XThorsavageX: if a rat is on a glyph i cant stop there
(8:16 PM) XThorsavageX: i cant pass through my guy?
(8:16 PM) mtl1998: oh, gotcha. i was confused by the order you moved them in
(8:16 PM) mtl1998: i think you're fine
(8:16 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(8:16 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(8:16 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 2 on Spiders
(8:16 PM) XThorsavageX: shocking..
(8:16 PM) mtl1998: lightening special attack
(8:16 PM) XThorsavageX: lol
(8:17 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(8:17 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(8:17 PM) XThorsavageX: scatter
(8:17 PM) mtl1998: no scatter on SAs
(8:19 PM) XThorsavageX: sorry
(8:19 PM) mtl1998: all good
(8:19 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(8:19 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 4 shields with 4 total dice
(8:20 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:21 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(8:21 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(8:21 PM) XThorsavageX: i can scatter
(8:21 PM) mtl1998: yep!
(8:21 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 3 on Cyprien
(8:23 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(8:23 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 3 on Spiders
(8:23 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(8:23 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(8:23 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(8:23 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(8:24 PM) mtl1998: aw dang
(8:24 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:24 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(8:25 PM) mtl1998: that was on the rat
(8:25 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(8:25 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(8:26 PM) mtl1998: oh you can scatter, btw. i kinda jumped the gun with the attack on cyp
(8:26 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(8:26 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM X on iskra
(8:26 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM X on Spiders
(8:26 PM)User mtl1998 has set all Order Markers.
(8:27 PM)User XThorsavageX has set all Order Markers.
(8:27 PM)User mtl1998 reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Sujoah

(8:27 PM) mtl1998 rolled 5 for initiative
(8:27 PM)User XThorsavageX reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Cyprien
1 OM on DeathREavers
1 OM on iskra
1 OM on nick

(8:27 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 6 for initiative
(8:28 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 1 on DeathREavers
(8:29 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(8:30 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(8:30 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 1 on Spiders
(8:31 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(8:31 PM) XThorsavageX: which 1st
(8:31 PM) mtl1998: the one next to shadow
(8:31 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(8:31 PM) mtl1998: then the one with the tree bonus
(8:31 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(8:32 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(8:32 PM) mtl1998: entangling web
(8:32 PM) mtl1998 rolled 14 on the d20
(8:32 PM) mtl1998: almost
(8:32 PM) XThorsavageX: yep
(8:33 PM) mtl1998 rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(8:33 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(8:33 PM) mtl1998 rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(8:33 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(8:33 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(8:33 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 2 on nick
(8:34 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(8:34 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(8:34 PM) XThorsavageX: over extend
(8:34 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(8:34 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(8:34 PM) XThorsavageX: dang
(8:34 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(8:34 PM) mtl1998: yeah, thats rough
(8:34 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 2 on Spiders
(8:34 PM) mtl1998 rolled 3 skulls with 7 total dice
(8:35 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(8:35 PM) mtl1998: web
(8:35 PM) XThorsavageX: why id you roll defese
(8:35 PM) mtl1998 rolled 3 on the d20
(8:36 PM) XThorsavageX: 4 defense
(8:36 PM) mtl1998: i have height
(8:36 PM) XThorsavageX: ohhhhh
(8:36 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:36 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(8:37 PM) mtl1998: done?
(8:37 PM) XThorsavageX: with 1st scatter yes
(8:38 PM) mtl1998: on cyp now
(8:38 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(8:38 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(8:38 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:38 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(8:38 PM) mtl1998: my dice are kinda hot
(8:39 PM) XThorsavageX: yeah
(8:39 PM) XThorsavageX: my are trash rn
(8:39 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(8:40 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 3 on Cyprien
(8:41 PM) XThorsavageX: chillin
(8:41 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 8 on the d20
(8:41 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:42 PM) mtl1998: oh my
(8:42 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(8:42 PM) XThorsavageX: this game is over
(8:42 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 3 on Spiders
(8:42 PM) mtl1998: maybe not
(8:42 PM) mtl1998 rolled 3 skulls with 7 total dice
(8:42 PM) XThorsavageX: why are you rolling 7 and 3 selected
(8:43 PM) mtl1998: i'm attacking cyprien
(8:43 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(8:43 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(8:44 PM) mtl1998: 2 attacks on nick
(8:44 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(8:44 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(8:44 PM) mtl1998 rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(8:44 PM) mtl1998: my bad
(8:44 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:44 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(8:44 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(8:44 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM X on iskra
(8:44 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM X on Sujoah
(8:45 PM) mtl1998: make sure you check the "add random characters for OM removing abilites"
(8:45 PM)User mtl1998 has set all Order Markers.
(8:46 PM)User XThorsavageX has set all Order Markers.
(8:46 PM)User XThorsavageX reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on ISKRA 8239
1 OM on MARCU 92
1 OM on CYPRIEN 1925
1 OM on CYRPRIEN 9906

(8:46 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 5 for initiative
(8:47 PM)User mtl1998 reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Sujoah
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders

(8:47 PM) mtl1998 rolled 17 for initiative
(8:47 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 1 on Spiders
(8:47 PM) mtl1998: attacking cyp
(8:47 PM) mtl1998 rolled 3 skulls with 7 total dice
(8:47 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(8:48 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:48 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(8:48 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(8:49 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 1 on CYRPRIEN 9906
(8:49 PM) XThorsavageX: CHILLIN
(8:49 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 19 on the d20
(8:49 PM) mtl1998: nooooooo
(8:49 PM) heroscaper2010: Oh no!
(8:49 PM) mtl1998: oh wait thats only 6
(8:50 PM) heroscaper2010: Except the attack to follow! *holds breath*
(8:50 PM) mtl1998: you've only angered quahon
(8:50 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:50 PM) mtl1998 rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(8:50 PM) mtl1998: HAHAHA
(8:50 PM) XThorsavageX: DAAAAANNNG
(8:50 PM) heroscaper2010: I'll show myself out
(8:50 PM) XThorsavageX: LOL
(8:50 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(8:50 PM) mtl1998: i blame heroscaper2010 100%
(8:51 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 2 on Spiders
(8:51 PM) heroscaper2010: I'm sorry man. I was looking through tabs and figured I'd take a peek at how the game was going
(8:51 PM) heroscaper2010: I'll take the blame 10000%
(8:51 PM) mtl1998: Poison SA
(8:51 PM) mtl1998: on cyp
(8:51 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(8:51 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(8:52 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(8:52 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(8:52 PM) mtl1998 rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:52 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(8:52 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 2 on CYPRIEN 1925
(8:52 PM) mtl1998: cyp's about to clean up i can feel it
(8:53 PM) XThorsavageX: CHILLIN
(8:53 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 on the d20
(8:53 PM) heroscaper2010: I'm cheering for a Poison death ;)
(8:53 PM) XThorsavageX: NEVERMIND
(8:53 PM) mtl1998: can you use some of that magic you have too, heroscaper? :P
(8:54 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:54 PM) mtl1998 rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(8:54 PM) heroscaper2010: You just have to spare me that spider and have Cyp at full health :D
(8:54 PM) heroscaper2010: Now I can work my magic ;)
(8:54 PM) mtl1998: well there ya go
(8:54 PM) XThorsavageX: HUH
(8:55 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 3 on Spiders
(8:55 PM) mtl1998: let's poison Cyp
(8:55 PM) heroscaper2010: Let's do it haha
(8:55 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(8:55 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(8:55 PM) heroscaper2010: I don't control his rolls
(8:55 PM) heroscaper2010: :shrug:
(8:56 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:56 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(8:56 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(8:56 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(8:56 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(8:56 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(8:56 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(8:57 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 3 on ISKRA 8239
(8:57 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:57 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(8:57 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 14 on the d20
(8:58 PM) mtl1998: oh no
(8:59 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(8:59 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(8:59 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:00 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:00 PM) XThorsavageX: DANG
(9:00 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM X on Sujoah
(9:00 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(9:00 PM)User mtl1998 has set all Order Markers.
(9:00 PM) mtl1998: i'm sweating buckets over here
(9:00 PM) heroscaper2010: Hakuna Matata
(9:00 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM X on MARCU 92
(9:01 PM)User XThorsavageX has set all Order Markers.
(9:01 PM)User XThorsavageX reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on ISKRA 8239 4237
1 OM on CYPRIEN 1925 6624
1 OM on MARCU 92 1863
1 OM on CYRPRIEN 9906 4458

(9:01 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 7 for initiative
(9:01 PM)User mtl1998 reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Sujoah
1 OM on Spiders

(9:01 PM) mtl1998 rolled 8 for initiative
(9:01 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 1 on Spiders
(9:01 PM) mtl1998: poison on cyp
(9:01 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:01 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(9:01 PM) heroscaper2010: I'm trying!
(9:02 PM) mtl1998: are you?!?
(9:02 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:02 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(9:02 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:03 PM) XThorsavageX: YOUHAVE HEIGHT
(9:03 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(9:03 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:03 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(9:03 PM) mtl1998: i do :)
(9:03 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(9:03 PM) XThorsavageX: THOUGHT BLACK WAS 2
(9:03 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 1 on CYRPRIEN 9906 4458
(9:04 PM) XThorsavageX: CT
(9:04 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 14 on the d20
(9:04 PM) XThorsavageX: 2 I BELEVE
(9:04 PM) mtl1998: yep
(9:04 PM) dok has logged in!
(9:05 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:05 PM) heroscaper2010: The dok is here to turn you're luck around mtl
(9:05 PM) mtl1998 rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(9:05 PM) heroscaper2010: Look, I didn't say that
(9:05 PM) heroscaper2010: lol
(9:05 PM) XThorsavageX: LOUD NOISES
(9:05 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(9:05 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 2 on Spiders
(9:05 PM) mtl1998 rolled 0 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:06 PM) heroscaper2010: We all need to go away lmao
(9:06 PM) mtl1998: did you leave yet, heroscaper2010?
(9:06 PM) heroscaper2010: Still here
(9:06 PM) XThorsavageX: Please stay
(9:06 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:06 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(9:06 PM) mtl1998: you roll one extra
(9:06 PM) heroscaper2010: This game grabbed my attention when thor 1 turned Quahon lol
(9:06 PM) mtl1998: for the shadow
(9:06 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 1 total dice
(9:07 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:07 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(9:07 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:07 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(9:08 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(9:08 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 2 on CYPRIEN 1925 6624
(9:08 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 on the d20
(9:08 PM) XThorsavageX: shit i forgot to move
(9:08 PM) XThorsavageX: allow or make me stay
(9:08 PM) mtl1998: yeah, you can have it
(9:09 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:09 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:09 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:09 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:09 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:09 PM) XThorsavageX: thank you ,, sorry was typing
(9:09 PM) mtl1998: i'm gonna go wiht the first one you rolled
(9:09 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:09 PM) XThorsavageX: sounds good im a mess
(9:09 PM) XThorsavageX: lol
(9:10 PM) mtl1998: lol. sujoah is a mess!
(9:10 PM) XThorsavageX: lol
(9:10 PM) heroscaper2010: That's what happens when you splatter the bug js
(9:10 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(9:10 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 3 on Spiders
(9:10 PM) mtl1998: 27th time's the charm
(9:10 PM) mtl1998 rolled 4 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:10 PM) mtl1998: ...
(9:10 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:11 PM) mtl1998 rolled 12 on the d20
(9:11 PM) heroscaper2010: It's difficult to poison the Undead ok? I just needed time.
(9:11 PM) mtl1998 rolled 5 on the d20
(9:11 PM) mtl1998: well it didn't fully work
(9:11 PM) heroscaper2010: I spoke that's probably why honestly
(9:11 PM) mtl1998: let's build up the tension
(9:11 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:11 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(9:12 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:12 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(9:12 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(9:12 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(9:12 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(9:12 PM) mtl1998: this game is pretty nuts
(9:12 PM)User mtl1998 has set all Order Markers.
(9:12 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 3 on ISKRA 8239 4237
(9:12 PM) mtl1998: my bad
(9:13 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(9:13 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM X on MARCU 92 1863
(9:13 PM)User mtl1998 has set all Order Markers.
(9:15 PM)User XThorsavageX has set all Order Markers.
(9:15 PM)User XThorsavageX has set all Order Markers.
(9:15 PM)User XThorsavageX reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on sonya 871 8013
1 OM on iskra 3626 1928
1 OM on iskra 7535 2370
1 OM on rechets 8774 3167

(9:15 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 14 for initiative
(9:15 PM)User mtl1998 reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Sujoah
1 OM on Spiders

(9:15 PM) mtl1998 rolled 6 for initiative
(9:15 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 1 on iskra 3626 1928
(9:15 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:15 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(9:15 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(9:16 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 1 on Spiders
(9:16 PM) mtl1998: poison iskra
(9:16 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:16 PM) superfrog has logged in!
(9:16 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(9:16 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 on the d20
(9:16 PM) mtl1998: lol
(9:16 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:16 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:17 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:17 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:17 PM) mtl1998 rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(9:17 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(9:17 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 2 on iskra 7535 2370
(9:17 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:17 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(9:17 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 2 on Spiders
(9:17 PM) mtl1998: poison iskra again
(9:18 PM) mtl1998 rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:18 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(9:18 PM) mtl1998 rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(9:19 PM) mtl1998 rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(9:19 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(9:19 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(9:19 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(9:19 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 3 on sonya 871 8013
(9:19 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:19 PM) mtl1998: she's out for some revenge
(9:20 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(9:20 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 3 on Spiders
(9:20 PM) mtl1998: poison
(9:20 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:20 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:20 PM) mtl1998: no scatter. poison is a SA
(9:21 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:21 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(9:22 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(9:22 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM X on rechets 8774 3167
(9:22 PM) mtl1998: done?
(9:22 PM) XThorsavageX: yeah
(9:22 PM) mtl1998 rolled 4 for Wannok
(9:23 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM X on Sujoah
(9:23 PM)User mtl1998 has set all Order Markers.
(9:24 PM)User XThorsavageX has set all Order Markers.
(9:24 PM)User XThorsavageX reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on sonya 538
1 OM on reavers 8307
1 OM on marcu 5707
1 OM on marcu 3211

(9:24 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 8 for initiative
(9:24 PM)User mtl1998 reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Sujoah

(9:24 PM) mtl1998 rolled 8 for initiative
(9:24 PM) mtl1998 rolled 13 on the d20
(9:24 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 16 on the d20
(9:24 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 1 on marcu 3211
(9:24 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 on the d20
(9:25 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:25 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(9:25 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(9:25 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 1 on Spiders
(9:25 PM) mtl1998: poison marcu
(9:25 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:25 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 1 total dice
(9:26 PM) mtl1998 rolled 9 on the d20
(9:26 PM) mtl1998 rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(9:26 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(9:26 PM) mtl1998 rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:26 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 1 total dice
(9:26 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(9:27 PM) mtl1998: marcu is at 5 life, right?
(9:27 PM) mtl1998: i mean 1 left
(9:28 PM) XThorsavageX: ok i messed up
(9:28 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 2 on marcu 5707
(9:29 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:29 PM) mtl1998: roll for eternal hatred
(9:29 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 18 on the d20
(9:29 PM) mtl1998 rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:29 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(9:29 PM) heroscaper2010: btw mtl I moved to a different tab as he rolled for EH ;)
(9:30 PM) mtl1998: hahaha. i believe it!
(9:30 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(9:30 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 2 on Spiders
(9:30 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(9:30 PM) heroscaper2010: marcu heals off that btw
(9:30 PM) mtl1998: oh yes. good call
(9:30 PM) mtl1998: poison teh rat
(9:31 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:31 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:31 PM) superfrog: judge ruling here
(9:31 PM) superfrog: Marcu does not have to heal
(9:31 PM) mtl1998: he doesn't have to?
(9:31 PM) superfrog: it's up to whoever is taking the turn
(9:31 PM) mtl1998: oh, it says you may
(9:31 PM) superfrog: right
(9:31 PM) mtl1998: yeah, lets not heal marcu
(9:32 PM) mtl1998: thanks, superfrog
(9:32 PM) heroscaper2010: Good call superfrog
(9:32 PM) mtl1998 rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(9:32 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 0 shields with 1 total dice
(9:32 PM) mtl1998 rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:32 PM) heroscaper2010: Guess that puts that to rest regardless :)
(9:32 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:32 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(9:33 PM) XThorsavageX revealed OM 3 on sonya 538
(9:33 PM) The turn/action of XThorsavageX is done.
(9:33 PM) mtl1998 revealed OM 3 on Sujoah
(9:33 PM) mtl1998: poison
(9:33 PM) mtl1998 rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:33 PM) XThorsavageX rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(9:34 PM) The turn/action of mtl1998 is done.
(9:34 PM) mtl1998 rolled 15 for Wannok
(9:34 PM) mtl1998: Great game, thor!
(9:34 PM) XThorsavageX: gg
(9:34 PM) heroscaper2010: Good game guys that was crazy
(9:34 PM) mtl1998: yeah, that was super fun. Cyprien was such a champ
(9:35 PM) heroscaper2010: So you won with thor's army right?
(9:35 PM) mtl1998: right
(9:38 PM) mtl1998: imma head out. thanks for the fun game, thorsavage!
User superfrog has left the chat session.
User mtl1998 has left the chat session.
(12:02 AM) mtl1998 has logged in!
User mtl1998 has left the chat session.