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Old August 31st, 2012, 06:19 PM
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Re: Filthy's Carnage Reports - Updated 2012-08-21

GenCon 2012: Treasure Quest
Craving more Scape, I decided to jump in this event roughly 5 minutes before it started. I took as long throwing together an army, and ended up with:
  • Cyprien, Sonya, Hydra, Raelin, Mindflayer Mastermind
Game 1
vs Grail
Army: Arrow Gruts x2, Mimring, Ice Troll Beserker, Swog x2, Dumutef (I forget the other components)
Map: Elswin Plateau

Cyprien headed out and started grabbing glyphs, while whittling away Cameron's forces, thinning out the Gruts and Swogs. Unfortunately, Cyp triggered the trap on the last glyph (a recurring theme), and was pummeled by Cameron's Ice Troll, spilling all of his glyphs in the process (why oh why did I try for that last glyph with no support? ) The Hydra and Raelin fell, and then the Mindflayer attempted to reach the glyphs before Grail picked up the last one...Epic fail, and Grail picked up the win.


Game 2:
vs David V
Army: Nilfeim, Armocs x3, Venoc Warlord
Map: Ticalla Sunrise

Again, I led with Cyprien, and guess what? Cyprien triggered the trap on the first glyph, then sat there in silence for the remainder of the round while David V moved out Nil and the Armocs, cashing in on glyphs in the process. I moved up Raelin and the Hydra to support Cyprien, and the Hydra was able to wreck the Armocs from relative safety. Cyprien stayed planted on the last glyph, goading David V into a frontal assault with Nilfheim. The Lizard King failed his Shard attempts, and then was swatted down by the Hydra with some strong attack rolls from height.


Game 3:
vs Deroche
Army: Ornak, Ice Troll, Sonya, Arrow Gruts, Krug,? A ton of Utgar's finest!
Map: Ticalla Sunrise

Cyprien went on a treasure quest, while Deroche moved up his army, compliments of Ornak. Cyp grabbed almost all glyphs...Then triggered the trap on the last glyph. Luckily, I won initiative and was able to unlock the last T glyph before the approaching troll and other nasty could capitalize...Ending the match in about 8 minutes. We had plenty of time to shoot the breeze afterwards.


Game 4
vs Ryan H
Army: Death Chasers x4, Ogre Pulverizers x2, Raelin
Map: Fossil

Forget the T glyphs; we were tired of chasing them and simply went on a slayerfest. Ryan moved out the Death Chasers, while Cyprien tried, and failed, multiple times with Chilling Touch. Cyp eventually fell to Death Chaser attacks. I moved the Hydra and the Mindflayer to high ground, where the Raelin-backed hydra started picking away at anything that came in range. Seizing an opening in the Death Chaser wall, I launched the hydra out of Raelin's aura in order to kill Ryan's RaeRae. The plan succeeded, but Ryan immediately surrounded the hydra and dropped him to one head. A Pulverizer was able to smash my Rae, but the Mindflayer, on height, withstood tremendous punishment. With Ryan's Raelin out of the picture, the Mindflayer was able to blast away 2 OMs (OM 1 and another blasted X! ), allowing me to mop up the remaining Death Chasers. The Mindflayer eventually fell to the wounded Pulverizer, who in turn fell to the stump-sporting Hydra. A final initiative win allowed me to attack the last Pulverizer, dropping him to 1 life. However, a big attack by the Pulverizer killed the hydra, granting Ryan the win with a 1 life Pulverizer remaining. A fun bloodfest!


Last edited by Filthy the Clown; August 31st, 2012 at 06:25 PM.
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Old September 3rd, 2012, 10:25 AM
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Re: Filthy's Carnage Reports - Updated 2012-08-23

2012 GenCon Heroes Only
  • Army: Jotun, Kelda, Cyprien, Sonya, Me-Burq-Sa
My mission: kill Marvel!

Game 1
Vs Johngee
Army: Abomination, Krug, Sgt Drake ROTV

My notes (rather, my lack of notes) are hazy on this one. Cyprien was able to spread some chill and take out Abomination with the help of Jotun and Kelda; Drake soon followed, leaving Krug. The hefty ogre moved out, tangling with Jotun and Sonya, and getting very mad in the process; as such, he killed them, leaving me with MBS. A timely initiative win allowed me to drop the final wounds on Krug from a safe distance, for the lucky win.


Game 2
Vs vminer
Army: Hulk, Fen Hydra, Zetacron
Map: Isenfell

There was quite a bit of action in this game, but the MVP award went to Zetacron, as he was able to ping away. I started out with Cyp, who eventually rolled a natural 20 on Hulk, stoking the forge of his temper; the vampire survived the ensuing blast, and Jotun was able to kill the green machine. The hydra moved up; Cyp was able to drop a wound from height, but the chill went cold, and the vamp eventually fell to both the Hydra and Zetacron. The big soulborg was able to kill Jotun with a couple of well-timed blasts; Kelda dropped another wound on the Hydra before succumbing to Zetacron, who also finished off MBS for the win.

At least I lost to Classic Scape.


Game 3
Vs ?? (Sorry, forgot name)
Army: Silver Surfer, Sir Denrik, Otonashi
Map: Fulcrum

This time around, I led with MBS, hoping to drop a couple of early wounds on the Surfer. I failed in this regard, but MBS was able to engage and tie up Surfer long enough to allow Cyprien to chill him, much to my relief. Jotun and Cyprien were able to tie up Denrick and Otonashi; Jotun took some damage from the two, but was able to throw Otonashi to her death and then corner Denrick and beat him into submission, with the help of Cyp.


Game 4
Vs Clancampbell
Army: Kurrok, assorted elemental medley
Map: Trailblazer

No Marvel this time around, so Don and I settled down for some good, ole-fashioned classic scape. I led with MBS, dropping a couple of wounds on Kurrok before losing him to elemental attacks. Thanks to the road, Don's FE's roasted Jotun in my startzone; however, Cyprien was able to kill the elementalist; a backfiring Kelda heal put Cyp in dire straits, but luckily he was able to survive the ensuing attacks and pick apart the remaining elementals, in a close game.


Last edited by Filthy the Clown; September 3rd, 2012 at 11:02 AM. Reason: Cursed edit button
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Old August 19th, 2013, 11:01 AM
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Re: Filthy's Carnage Reports - Updated 2013-08-19

GenCon 2013: Take 2
Thanks to traffic congestion and other bits of assorted highway mayhem, I missed the Lightweight Event. So, Take 2 turned out to be my first 'live' HS game since last year's GenCon. However, it is a popular format/style for the online events, so I was looking forward to actually rolling with physical dice.

My armies:
  • Kurrok, Fire Elementals x6, Water Elementals x4
  • Brunak, Nakita Agents, Knights of Weston x2, Thorgrimm
I figured that the Elemental build might be an enticing piece for someone, so my second army was a decent counter with some tricky bits thrown in the mix.

On to the games!

Game 1
vs WIFE of Son of Mulhalla
*Opponent won dice-off

Opponent's Army: Shades of Bleakewood, Tul-Bak-Ra, Rhogar, Dund
My Army: Brunak, Nakita Agents, KoW x2, Thorgrimm
Map: Ticalla Sunrise

I was a bit bummed that I was slated for the first-round bye, so I jumped for joy when Sheena signed up and created a game. Her armies were a bit hero-oriented; although lacking multiple attacks, a good Shade roll could create a turncoat Brunak. With that in mind, I rolled out the Knights and Nakitas, with one wing headed towards Wannok, while another, smaller contigent worked over the high ground on the opposite side of the map. Sheena wasted no time and headed right for Wannok-area. After some clashing, the Nakitas whittled down the Shades. TBR stormed in and ran into a Knight wall. However, he lived long enough in order to allow Rhogar to line up some fire breath, frying a Nakita and a handful of Knights. Rhogar eventually fell, and I was able to hit Dund before he could stare anything down. It was a fun game, and we got to see the evil side of Sheena on the following night, as she was decked out in a cool zombie costume. Son of Mulhalla, be-costumed, was a bit harder to spot, though.


Game 2
vs Superfly TNT
*Opponent won dice-off

Opponent's Army: Marro Stingers x 4, Taelord, Marcu
My Army: Brunak, Nakita Agents, KoW x2, Thorgrimm
Map: Embattled Fen

The Keeper of the Codex won the dice-off and picked his army, which was armed for bear. I rolled out knights and cloaked them in Nakita smoke; this helped for a couple of turns, but Pete moved up Tae early and then blasted away with the Stingers. Unfortunately, my army could not repel firepower of that magnitude, so he plowed through them. I did manage to briefly hold Wannok and protect the holder to some extent, but it was really only a quick breath of calm. With my reinforcements dwindling, I soon lost the ability to attack with full activations...And killing one Stinger a turn was simply not enough. Pete earned the win with a squad of Stingers (and possibly a straggler?) and a one-wound Taelord left to party it up on the bridge of doom.


Game 3
vs EternalThanos86
*I won dice-off
Opponent's Army: Kurrok, FEx6, WEx4
My Army: Brunak, Nakita Agents, KoW x2, Thorgrimm
Map: Burial Marsh

ET86 was sporting a Zelrig build, along with a Braxas/Greenscales army. As such, there were some interesting counters, but the Junior Firestorm called his name. I then chose my counter build, and we got to work setting up with strong figure concentrations on the right side of the map. He swam a WE on to the water hex close to my startzone, but I wrapped everything up in Smoke. Seriously: the smoke cloud loitered for ages, as I hit 4/5 smoke rolls. I hit a crucial Engagement Strike roll to keep his advance at bay (I was 1/1 with E.S. rolls), and then moved out Nakitas and knights to close down the high ground. Brunak took to the the streets and galloped into ET's startzone, surviving elemental attacks long enough to engage Kurrok and pummel him into submission. ET86 went 0/4 on elemental summoning, which kept his depleted reserves from staging a comeback. By the time the smoke cleared, I had Brunak and 6 knights left. It was a fun game, and ET got his revenge on the following day.


Game 4
vs Necroblade
*I won dice-off

My Army: Jotun, 10th x3
Opponent's Army: Moltenclaw, Phantom Knights x4
Map: Shiver

I was lucky enough to face NB in each of my 3 events. I say 'lucky' because he was not having any. His PKs consistently fell to 1-2 skull attacks from my soldiers; he was rolling 7-8 defense dice, but shields were at a premium. I must have killed at least 2 squads of PKs from range and then peppered the dragon enough to require the assistance of Kelda. Jotun took a wound, but moved up in order to attempt the final blow on Moltenclaw. It was a bit of a gamble, as Moltenclaw could grab the single-hex perch and retaliate...Which is exactly what happened: Jotun rolled 2 skulls, Moltenclaw took the perch, and then dropped a 6 skull roll, followed up with a defensive whiff on my part (justice, perhaps?), and NB was back in the game. I danced the soldiers around as much as possible in order to avoid any lines of fire. It was mostly successful, although NB did fry multiples at least a couple of times. The 10th were able to drop the dragon and take out the remaining PKs. In the end, I had 6 soldiers left to claim victory.

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Old August 19th, 2013, 11:43 AM
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Re: Filthy's Carnage Reports - Updated 2012-08-21

Good stuff man. Nobody plays the janky builds quite like you.
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Old August 19th, 2013, 12:41 PM
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Re: Filthy's Carnage Reports - Updated 2012-08-21

It was Marcu. He was the one who soaked up the Wannoks. In 3 games he moved a total of ZERO times. LOL

Really good finally meeting you. Really enjoyed playing with you.

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Old August 19th, 2013, 05:29 PM
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Re: Filthy's Carnage Reports - Updated 2013-08-19

GenCon 2013: 4x440

My armies:
  1. Omnicron Snipers x2, Omnicron Repulsors x3, Krug
  2. Brunak, Raelin v1, Krav Maga Agents, Goblin Cutters x3
  3. Knights of Weston x3, Thorgrimm, Frost Giant, Otonashi
  4. Tor-Kul-Na, NaGrubs x2, Marro Warriors, Airborne Elite
I was looking forward to using all of my armies, but I was also squeezing in one last test in order to choose my Main Event army.

Game 1
vs Grombloodboy
My Army: Omnicron Snipers x2, Repulsors x3, Krug
Opponent's Army: Nilfheim, Stingers x4, Isamu
Map: Stygian Rift

I moved up Repulsors early in order to stick them on shadow, while GBB flew up Nilfheim. Nil claimed a solid perch and started dropping Omnicron, with a squad of Stingers moving up in support. I won a key init roll and was able to drop Nil with Snipers on height, giving me a round's worth of free turns. However, I could not kill Stingers fast enough, and they in turn sniped my army and then finished off Krug before he could tackle them. I had several mistakes in this game; when coupled with GBB's quick recovery and solid play, my fate was pretty much sealed


Game 2
vs Necroblade
My Army: Brunak, KMA, Raelin, Cutters x3
Opponent's Army: Sgt Drake Alexander v2, Sam Brown, 4th Mass. x 3
Map: Burian Marsh

Needless to say, Necroblade was not happy to see a strong counter to his army staring across the table. However, he dealt with it with an three OM placement on Drake. I moved up Rae and KMA, maybe grabbing 1 or 2 soldiers out of the deal...Drake was bearing down, and there was not much that I could do other than at least suck him close to the Cutters. Drake ended up killing two agents and Raelin before getting mobbed, which was a pretty good start for him. Brunak and the Cutters advanced, with Brunak carrying as needed (too bad that the Cutters are not allowed to ride on his tail)...The trolticor charged into the wall of soldiers, thinning a few ranks out via Blood Hungry before falling. The Cutters and the lone agent were able to take out the rest, leaving me with 2 Cutters and Will Smith to claim victory. It ended up being a close game, and GenCon 2013 game #2 vs Necroblade.


Game 3
vs Pat H. (my apologies; I forget his HS handle despite asking him a couple of times)
My Army: KoW x3, Frost Giant, Thorgrimm, Otonashi
Opponent's Army: Zombies of Morindan x4, Atlaga, Sentinels of Jandar x1
Map: Dry Season

I was giddy with excitement at the prospect of finally getting to use the Frost Giant in a competitive environment. However, Pat stole this from me with a Turn 2 Bolt of Witherwood blast...Rolling a natural 20. Bye bye, giant! With dampened spirits, I trudged out the knights in anticipation of seeing some of them come back as zombies. Pat brought up the Sentinels to act as roadblocks, which was a role that they performed nicely. However, I grabbed the move glyph, then eventually took out the Sentinels and staked out some height in order to combat the approaching horde. My 5 attacks a turn were enough to thin out the undead, keeping him to only 2 risen zombies. He went for Isamu in my startzone, who vanished to height; the Thorgrimm-boosted knights finished off the last squad of deadies. I had 7 knights and a 3-wound Thorgrimm who undertook the task of sending their giant comrade's spirit off to the real Valhalla.


Game 4
vs Sixthflagbearer
My Army: TKN, Nagrubs x2, Airborne Elite, Marro Warriors
Opponent's Army: Sentinels of Jandar x3, Atlaga, Marcu
Map: Shiver

Sixth and I made it to last year's 4x400 final, and I was able to pull out the win. So, it was fitting that we faced off again, finals or no. On paper, I like my matchup...But the map was not very TKN friendly, and I was staring down another potential Atlaga bolt. Fun times! The AE refused to drop for the first couple of rounds, so I played cat and mouse with the MW, trying to catch a Sentinel or two on a whiff, which was fruitless. Sixth spread out and advanced Sentinels. Finally, the Airborne dropped in Round 3: I placed them a bit aggressively, but won the init roll and took out Atlaga. The AE soon followed, but now I could relax just a bit. With my ranged components depleted, I moved grubs and TKN up to the lower height element on the left portion of the bridge, with just enough flat space to get in some stomps. Sixth was not taking the bait, and I got off maybe 1 or 2 stomps before having to rely on TKN's normal attack...Slowly pinging away Sentinels, but losing Grubs and lives in the process. Sixth snuck into my startzone and killed my reserve Grub, so I had to abandon my last one on the front line to avoid chancing a lost OM. Finally, I got to the climax of the game: I needed to trample one Sentinel in order to have a clear path to the Kelda glyph and heal 5 wounds. I rolled the d20...and got a 6. The Sentinels quickly dropped a hammer on TKN and put him out of his misery, and Sixth got his revenge with 3 Sentinels left and a laughing Marcu.

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Old August 19th, 2013, 11:42 PM
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Re: Filthy's Carnage Reports - Updated 2012-08-21

Nice pity reports. It sounds like you had a great time. Sorry I couldn't make GenCon this year, maybe next time. Also sorry to hear that you haven't played since last August (except online apparently), we're not playing 'Scape in MARS as often as we used to. The agenda at our monthly gatherings is being shared with: StarWars X-Wings, Leviathans, Cosmic Encounters, Kesmet, Zombiecide, etc.

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Old August 20th, 2013, 10:34 AM
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Re: Filthy's Carnage Reports - Updated 2013-08-20

GenCon 2013: Championship Day 1

I was a bit unsure as to what army to run in the event. My options were somewhat limited to by 4x440 armies; as such, I picked that one that I had the most fun with:
  • Knights of Weston x3, Thorgrimm, Frost Giant, Otonashi
Game 1
vs EternalThanos86
Opponent's Army: Death Chasers of Thesk x3, MBS, Nerak, Raelin, NGS
Map: Burial Marsh

We both loaded up our figs with a focus on the left height on the map. ET started moving up Death Chasers and crew, with Raelin propped just in range of the hill. This turned into an uphill battle for me, as ET reached the height well ahead of my beseiged knights, sitting up a bastion of despair for yours truly. MBS was raining down death, so after losing knights and eventually Thorgrimm without denting the 5-6 defense orcs, I sent the spirit-wielding Frost Giant into the mix. He went to town, finally cracking through and hitting several frenzy rolls. I had a squad of knights on the right side of the map, and I sent them into Raelin's flank; they only put a couple of wounds on her, but a last stand on the shadow tiles at least removed Nerak.
The Giant took out MBS, and he was now sitting at 5 wounds, making Dying Swipe a troublesome proposition for ET: he went for it, and I rolled 2 skulls, removing 2 Death Chasers. However, my reserves were soon spent, and Otonashi was left facing Raelin, 2 Death Chasers and NGS. A couple of turns later, and she joined the rest of her army in the afterlife.


Game 2
vs Tiny Tim
Opponent's Army: Anubian Wolves x 5, Zetacron
Map: Stygian Rift

Tim started out with some rather poor Unleashed Fury and defense rolls, and I was able to keep the pressure up with 3-4 attacks a turn. However, my reinforcements got thin, and Tim warmed his d20 up, weathered some attacks from my end and then took out Thorgrimm and my frontline knights. We were burning through figures (literally; we both risked several lava rolls in order to get height), but he was getting the better end of the deal. I loaded up OMs on the Giant at about the same time that that Zetacron came into the mix; he pinged a couple of wounds on the Giant, who cleared the Anubians around the d20 glyph. The action moved to the move glyph; a timely init win allowed me to engage Zeta from height, along with his last 2 Anubians; the giant failed the attack and the frenzy roll; The Anubians finished him off the next turn, and Dying Swipe only bagged one. Otanashi soon fell, leaving Tim with an Anubian and Zetacron to claim victory.


Game 3
vs Jacob_jp
Opponent's Army: 10th x3, MDG, Sgt Drake v1
Map: Flash Fire

I headed for the hills close to Kelda and met Jacob at the top. Even with the road, it was a tough map for moving up reinforcements, and Thorgrimm saved my bacon quite a few times, giving the knights just enough of a boost to keep WTF at bay. Still, the MDG-boosted 10th turned the road into a meat grinder.
I brought up the fast-moving Frost Giant in order to crack MDG. He performed admirably, and fell back and burned Kelda when he got to 4 wounds. With my knights depleted, the Giant was able to mop up the remaining 10th and knock Drake down to size...Ending in a hard-fought victory, with a 2-wound Frost Giant and Otonashi left standing.


Game 4
vs Vegietarian18
Opponent's Army: Raelin, Nakita Agents, 10th x3, Isamu?
Map: Flash Fire

Just when things were looking up, I get the same map, same tough army, and a pair-up with another very competent opponent. I threw my OMs on the Frost Giant, while Vegie spent a couple positioning his Nakitas on choke points. The Giant barrelled into the mix, smashing a Nakita, weathering attacks, and then hitting Raelin from height. I nailed a timely Frenzy roll, and a moment later, Raelin was gone. As the wounds mounted on the Frost Giant, I jokingly mentioned that Vegie should bayonet him to death; he obliged, and Dying Swipe took out two of the soldiers. The Giant accounted for a dead Raelin, two Nakitas, and 3 soldiers...Not a bad bag. Plus, Vegie was a bit demoralized, which was getting my hopes up. We both plodded towards the top left of the map again. My knights were thinning out soldiers and staving off wounds with some great D rolls. However, an init switch later, and Vegie dropped Thorgrimm and 3 knights in one turn (great revenge for my earlier ploy...). I never recovered from this, and my remaining knights were WTF'd as they approached. Otonashi bravely stepped up, but a hail of musket balls took her down. Vegie happily took the win, with two 10th soldiers and 1 agent left.


Game 5
vs Necroblade
Opponent's Army: SBN, Raelin, Dividers x4
Map: Burial Marsh

It is fitting that my last game of GenCon 2013 was against Necroblade, as I faced him in all of my other events. His luck was pretty bad during our other games, so I saw a slight grimace on his face when I sat across the table. However, we hammed it up and commenced to the game. Again, his rolls were horrid; he hit maybe 3 divides all game, and only at the end; his attack rolls were simply rotten as well. The knights did most of the dirty work, slowing blasting through marro, and Thorgrimm gave them enough of a boost to weather the attacks (I had one knight who spent the whole game on a shadow tile, engaged to dividers; he just would not die). SBN eventually fell, and of course, NecroBlade rolled a 16 for divide immediately afterwards. I ended up with 5 knights, the Frost Giant, and Otonashi left.

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