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Old March 6th, 2013, 04:18 PM
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Sir Yeshua Sir Yeshua is offline
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Re: The Hobbit:Unexpected Journey scape!

Yay! A card I can read!

Ummm... Am I the only person here who thinks that five abilities is WAY too many? There is only one unit in all Official 'Scape that has four abilities, Sonya Esenwein. And two of those powers were givens.

First, if you're giving him a symbol, just put the symbol on the card.

Second, The Warrior's Defense Spirit. I seem to recall hearing about a misprinted card like this. Thorgrim has the Warrior's Defense Spirit and it increases the defense of the unit by one.

Finally, I know he's a ranger, but I don't see a bow on that sculpt. Get rid of the Ranger Bow Special Attack.

That should help a lot. Keep at it, and you're gonna make a great customizer one day.

~Sir Yeshua Forgemaster
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