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Old October 25th, 2008, 02:35 PM
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Tauren_Marine Tauren_Marine is offline
Join Date: April 5, 2008
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Re: PacNW NHSD Event - Vancouver WA

I had a lot of fun playing in this tournament! Thank you for hosting it, Bahde. My army had 2x Knights of Weston ,2x 4th Mass. Line, Sir Gilbert, and Alastair MacDirk.

Game 1: Vs. Ryan (Cyprien, Sonya, 2x Fyorlag Spiders, Sujoah, Isamu, and Guilty McCreech) on Arctic Divide

This game started out with me moving some knokghts out to get a glyph (move +2, I think) and him charging Sujoah and the spiders to do as much damage as he could. Fortunately, my heroes were far enough back so Sujoah was stuck attacking knights and minutemen. After a few turns, Sujoah fell to the minutemen's barrage, and killed the few remaining spiders shortly after. Once Sujoah fell, he sent in Cyprien, but he made a mistake: instead of instead of flying to the edge of my army to prey on the knights there, he charged right in the middle and suffered the same fate as Sujoah. With the majority of his army gone, I sent up my remaining knights, 4th Mass, and Alastair to take out the last few guys. Isamu was unlucky and missed his first vanishing roll, and Guilty and Sonya were only able to do a couple wounds before dying.

Result: Win (1-0)

Game 2: Vs. Devan, aka MegadeV (Braxas, 4x Stingers, and Marro Warriors) on Searing Path

Starting out, we both were moving out our armies to the middle, but closer to the side without lava. Because of my knights slow move, he got the the height first and started firing on my army (stinger draining a lot). My 4th Mass. were able to return fire, and we were losing figures about equally, but every time one stinger died, another one was there to shoot back. After a little while, he moved Braxas straight up the middle, taking out a couple knights. I engaged Braxas with my knights, hoping to keep her away from my 4th Mass. and put some wounds on her. Hoping to eliminate more of my ranged threat, he disengaged the knights, but forgot about Coward's Reward and took a couple more wounds, killing her. After that, I moved Alastair up to try and take out his stingers. But he was getting really lucky with his stinger drains (I am going to burn the flaming d20 shirt) and took out Alastair before I could do as much as I wanted to. At this point, he was almost out of stingers and started moving up his Marro Warriors, but I was not much better off. I only had one knight and Gilbert. The knight died pretty quickly, leaving Gilbert the task of finishing off the army. He did pretty well, killing of 3 of the Marro Warriors, but his last Stinger managed to get the last hit on Gilbert, taking him out. This was one of the most fun Heroscape games I've ever played.

Result: Loss (1-1)

Game 3: Vs. Luke (Cyprien, Sonya, Nilfheim, and Kaemon Awa) on Embattled Fen

I started with moving my army forward, and he started with Cyprien. I made a HUGE mistake and split up my army, sending most of my figures up one side, and a few up the other side. He started with attacking the bulk of my army, but once he took a few wounds, he flew over to the other side, where I had fewer guys to attack him. After getting completely healed, he came back and attacked my main forces again. I put five wounds on him, but he just flew away right onto the healing glyph. About this time, I realized my mistake and started grouping my army together. After losing quite a few more squaddies, I managed to take Cyprien down. Now he started sending Kaemon Awa up. I defeated him fairly easily with Alastair, taking a few wounds in the process. Now it was up to Nilfheim, who came in and killed my last knights and Alastair, only to be taken out by the sole remaining 4th Mass. Now it was my last 4th Mass. agains Sonya with one life left. Seeing that I would have height advantage, I attacked rolling two skulls. Then Sonya rolled two shields, flew up, and killed the minuteman. Looking back on it, I should have pulled my 4th Mass. back, since he was worth more than Sonya with only one life, and he would have been forced to com after me. If I got lucky enough, I could have gotten height and Wait Then Fire which should have been enough to take Sonya out. At the very least, I learned a lot about facing Cyprien, and I will not make that mistake again.

Result: Loss (1-2)

Game 4: Vs. Chuck (Major Q9, Laglor, Raelin, 3x Deathreavers, and Isamu) on Viscid Flank

I saw the rats, and I almost started crying. With no special attack, I knew that they were going to be a major pain to go against. I started with moving my knights up, and I rolled five symbols on Jandar's dispatch!!! That really helped me to get my knights up farther to engage his figures faster. He started with his rats moving up to stop my knights' advance. Initially, I was attacking Q9 most of the time, until I realized I would have a better chance of taking out Raelin. I still didn't manage to take her out, or put any wounds on Q9, especially since Alastair was killed in one turn. I ended up killing all of his Deathreavers and putting a couple wounds on Raelin, and maybe a wound on Laglor, but we had to call it for time. One turn with my knights sometimes took four minutes with all the movement that went on. This was a very frustrating game, because of the rats, but Chuck was a really nice guy, and I still had fun.

Result: Loss (1-3)

Game 5: Vs. Michael (Venoc Warlord, 2x Venoc Vipers, 2x Armoc Vipers, Elite Onyx Vipers, 1x Warriors of Ashra, and Marcu Esenwein) on Full Throttle

I won initiative and moved my knights and Gilbert up and took the Unique attack +1 glyph, and took out one venoc viper first turn. He responded with moving some vipers up and attacking my knights. This game was an all out brawl the whole time, with my knights, Gilbert, and Alastair engaging his guys, and my 4th Mass. shooting down from the middle. I was able to get a 4th Mass. on the Common attack +1 glyph on the far side of the map and kept it the whole game, and that helped me a lot. I finally managed to take out all his vipers and Warriors of Ashra, leaving his warlord and Marcu. He chose to use Marcu, who attacked me once and him twice . His warlord finished off Alastair, but the knights and Gilbert finished him off.

Result: Win (2-3)

This whole day was very fun, and we are quite happy with the prizes we ended up with; my dad got the dice tower and a pack of Militia and Wolves, my brother got Agent Skahen, and I got the Ashigaru. I am looking forward to the next tournament. January would work, especially if it could be early January. We have a friend who is in college, but he will be back then, and he would like to come.
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