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Old March 29th, 2024, 11:16 PM
Curt Curt is offline
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Re: The Pre-SoV Workshop

I would love feedback as to the viability of this being a candidate to submit in the SOV thread. It's a design I've been tinkering, testing, and getting feedback on for a little over a year, but I think I'm finally happy where I'm at with it. I'll apologize for the wall of text, but I wanted to give context as to the specific design choices. I'll need to reach out to admin about photo uploading privileges, but for now, please see the imgur link to the card. The mini is Snowbound #34 Warforged Titan, note that the blue "impact" part is easily removed and not intended to be part of the unit. The mini appears to still have great stock from a handful of retailers and tends to run between $6 and $15.

Unique Hero
Huge 10

Life - 5
Move - 5
Range - 1
Attack - 6
Defense - 5

Range 1, Attack 3
When Colossus attacks with his Smash and Cleave Special Attack, he may attack one additional time.

After taking a turn with Colossus, you may take a turn with 1 squad of Warforged Soldiers. Any Warforged Soldiers that move during this turn and use their Tactical Switch special power cannot roll attack dice after switching spaces with the opponent's figure.

If an opponent's figure is moved adjacent to Colossus by a special power, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 12 or higher, the opponent's figure receives one wound.

My intent for Colossus is to give the Warforged Soldiers a unique army build centered around his Tactical Switch power and his ability to act as a can opener when the WS's 3 attacks of 3 get outpaced by other squad's offensive outputs.

Colossus is intended to act as a vanguard and initiate the offense for the WS to rally around. As he engages the enemy, he can try to free up real estate with either his powerful normal attack, or try to vanquish two units with the much weaker Smash and Cleave SA (named due to one hand being a hammer and the other a blade). Smash and Cleave can also help with crowd control if he gets swarmed, the death knell for most huge units.

If Colossus can clear room for the WS, they can then rally to his position. However, if they move then they essentially only get to choose to either attack or switch. If they choose to switch, and the figure is not adjacent to Colossus, there is a 45% chance of an auto wound.

This might sound high, but in my testing, I started with a higher proc number and it led to the switch rarely happening. A 3 attack vs. 3 defense roll will result in a wound 51% of the time, and a 3 attack vs. 4 defense will result in a wound 41% of the time. This forces the player to think about their decision and factor in the current turn number, enemy placement, and placement of enemy order markers. Note also I went with this power over Engagement Strike as I want to reward strategic play as it's not always easy to pull off in a battle.

Balance-wise, 170-180ish points seems about right and allows for up to 4 sets of WS in a 500-point game. He has the same stats as Breach, but requires WS to reach his potential. While he does help give the WS offensive fire-power, the high point cost for both means quality over quantity, and they will be unable to maximize potential against larger figures or those who attack surrounding units. Sorry again for the wall of text, and I'd appreciate any constructive feedback.

Last edited by Curt; March 30th, 2024 at 09:30 AM.
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