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Old March 15th, 2024, 11:22 AM
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Re: The Pre-SoV Workshop

When I first glanced at the stats I saw red flags. And the power didn't change that. While I appreciate a single-power card, a fairly simple and useful power even, this unit lacks interesting gameplay. The power is neat and all, but it's just gravy for a unit that kind of does it all. Range 7 with Attack 4 is mean. The weakness here is that he can only attack a single figure per turn, which makes him more dull than weak. If he was a lost-cost, weak hero that could place the markers, then the unit would be interesting as a carefully used add-in to debuff an enemy hero, but as is he just isn't interesting in gamplay.

Rieka the Wolf
The design is fine, but not interesting enough for VC approval these days. She's just a lone hero that fights decently, but the design lacks a role. As an early- or mid-game unit she lacks board control ability and survivability to use reliably, and the multi-attack of Go For the Throat is largely wasted in cleanup. Actually, the design would be better without the multi-attack, as it focuses it better as a cleanup unit. Alternatively, if the species was Hybrid she might have value as-is in Hybrid builds.

This one comes out better as it has some unique built-in synergy, but the synergy ends up coming off as forced when looking at the overall design. The design is a long-range assassin, but not especially good at it, and not in a way that's interesting to play. Get on nearby high ground, take a shot at a hero, hope to do bonus damage. Wyvern Rider can help with the first part, but he has a large threat range on his own which greatly diminishes its value. It does help to move a Wyvern into a better position too, but really, all this does is add a long-range attack to a normal Wyvern positioning turn. There isn't counterplay to a unit like this either, despite the mediocre survivability, as the threat range is so long and a user of Komura probably won't want to put more than a couple order markers on him.
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