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Old March 1st, 2012, 04:20 PM
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Orcs Blade Orcs Blade is offline
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Orcs Blade knows what's in an order marker Orcs Blade knows what's in an order marker
Re: Magic:The Gathering

I officialy love humans. On a related topic, zombie apocalypse is a stupid card.

Honestly though, I have individual human tokens that get to be bigger than Grimgrin could ever hope to does zombie apocalypse kill them? I have these huge, hulking humans (courtesy of Mikaeus. the Lunarch and gavony township), but my brother plays zombie apocalypse right before I can play overrun! Any game where he doesn't pull his only copy of zombie apocalypse, I easily win. Unfortunately, he pulls it pretty much every game. I still win well over half of them though.

Just throwing it out there that humans WOULD rule inistrad if it weren't for that one card. Also Mikaeus when he's a zombie.

On a good note, just maxed out my playsets of bloodghasts, kalastria highborn, stromkirk noble, stromkirk captain, and bloodline keeper. I also have a copy of Olivia Voldaren. Vampires FTW.

I also have a full playset of EVERY single good werewolf ever made. And several playsets of all the bad ones.

So basically, I love all of inistrad, except for the zombies. And despite pretty much every deck I own being able to repeatedly trash my brother's zombie deck, it still annoys the heck out of me whenever I want to play humans.

Wow that was a lot....just random news flashes from my inistrad collection.

Orcs Blade is Evar Scarcarver...
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