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Old February 6th, 2015, 09:57 PM
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Re: Northwest Heroscape Customs - new figures 6/26/2014

NWHC Wave 1 – The Fallen and the Faithful - Heroes of Braunglayde

Figure: HeroClix, Fear Itself, #013 Tanarus

General: Einar
Planet: Earth

Species: Human
Unique Hero
Class: Gladiator
Personality: Fearless
Medium 5

Life: 6
Move: 5
Range: 1
Attack: 5
Defense: 4
180 Points

Range 5. Attack 4.
If Richter’s Lightning Hammer Special Attack destroys a figure, he may attack again with his Lightning Hammer Special Attack rolling 1 less attack die.

If Richter begins his turn unengaged, instead of his normal move, Richter may use Bionic Leap. Bionic Leap has a move of 4. When counting spaces for Bionic Leap ignore elevations. Richter may leap over water without stopping, over figures without becoming engaged, and over obstacles such as ruins. Richter may not leap more than 12 levels up or down in a single move.

Range Special. Attack Special.
Choose 4 spaces in a straight line from Richter. All small and medium figures on those spaces who are within line of sight of Richter are affected by Shockwave Special Attack. Roll 3 attack dice once for all affected figures. Each figure rolls defense dice separately. If Richter moved with Bionic Leap this turn, roll 5 attack dice once for all affected figures.

Character Bio:
"Richter" is from a dark future in Earth's timeline when mankind was targeted by a race of aliens. The aliens capture human soldiers and put them through rigorous experiments to test their strengths, weaknesses and adaptability to their technology. Through these tests, the aliens would learn if the human spirit and body would put up any resistance to their invasion.

Captain Martin Tanner was a special forces leader for the United Earth Alliance (UEA). The aliens imprisoned Captain Tanner and forced him to battle for his life against other captive aliens in a series of trials. While the UEA soldier won his battles, his mortal body was severely injured. The aliens continually "repaired" him - removed his damaged organs and muscles with bionic upgrades. The upgrades kept him alive and also made him a more capable fighter.

Eventually Captain Tanner became known as "Richter" - both for his vicious striking power and for the way his enemies trembled before the battle even began. His success at the gladiatorial games convinced his alien captors that Earth was not suitable for colonization. Unfortunately this meant that Richter would need to be destroyed. The cyborg gladiator had other plans, and staged a rebellion with other alien combatants. The prison break was successful but Richter stayed behind to give his fellow gladiators a chance to escape. Seizing the Stormhammer of the aliens, Richter nearly single handedly destroyed the alien ship.

As the alien vessel drifted toward the certain destruction of a nearby star, the Arch-Kyrie of Valhalla rescued the former Captain and brought him to the Battle of All Time.

- Rulings and Clarifications -
With Richter, for his SA, how do you know if he moved with Bionic Leap? If he's unengaged and moves 0 spaces, does he still get the bonus for the SA?
Bionic Leap would just be something you would declare if he starts unengaged and doesn't move any spaces. Like any move for any figure, you can choose to move Richter 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 spaces. So, yes, he gets the SA bonus.
- Combinations and Synergies -

Synergy Benefits Offered

-EBON ARMOR: Animated Materiel/Eternal War
As a Unique Human Hero, if an Ebon Armor figure is destroyed you may place that Ebon Armor on Richters Card. If Richter is destroyed by a normal or special attack, or by a leaving engagement attack, you may replace Richter with that Ebon Armor on the battlefield.

-HATAMOTO TARO: Adjacent Tough 1
As a figure who follows Einar, Richter causes an adjacent, friendly Hatamoto Taro to add one automatic shield to his defense roll using his ADJACENT TOUGH special power.

Synergy Benefits Received

-SPARTACUS: Gladiator Inspiration.
As a Gladiator, Richter may benefit from Spartacus’ GLADIATOR INSPIRATION move, defense, and attack bonus.

-CAPUAN GLADIATORS: Human Gladiator Bonding
As a Human Gladiator, Richter may be activated with Capuan Gladiators’ HUMAN GLADIATOR BONDING.

-PRISCUS: Taste of Freedom
As a Gladiator, Richter may benefit from Priscus’ TASTE OF FREEDOM attack bonus.

-KONRAD VON BRAMGUR: Accusation of Evil
As a Fearless figure, Richter may benefit from Konrad Von Bramgur’s ACCUSATION OF EVIL marker attack bonus.

Synergy Imposed

-AKUMAKEN: Mask of Terror
As a Unique figure with the Fearless personality, Richter is not affected by Akumaken's MASK OF TERROR.

Last edited by Nomad; December 29th, 2021 at 05:02 PM.
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